Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Tell No One

Okay, first, stupid title. Second, this movie came so highly recommended, and the first ten minutes are so marvelous, how could I not feel disappointed when abruptly, twenty minutes later, it became just another Euro-thriller?

So French Dustin Hoffman doesn't kill his wife, and everybody gets upset. Cops. Gangsters. Aristocrats. Jockeys (really, and more than one). Hoff scrambles around some city, I think it's Paris, mostly sad and confused about his wife sort of not being dead, until French Paul Newman clears everything up at the end with a dieu-pour-la-machine conversation with Hoff. Then Paul Newman blows his own head off, the wife revives, Dustin Hoffman is happy again, even though he's crying again (he cries a lot in this movie), and fin.

A+ for the first ten minutes and for the soundtrack. C+ pour le rest.

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