Slothrop: First of all, in a world where a stewardess is no longer a stewardess but a flight attendant, why are the Oscars still gendered? Secondly, let's not start giving them away so fast there, Ass-Bucko: for clearly you have not seen Rainn Wilson as Dwight Schrute. Above, note the correct way of portraying a man acutely dissatisfied and aware of the dirty poison that is non-Apple technology.
Dwight-Headed Michael: I don't think the term "stewardess" is sexist, if only because, were I a straight woman or a gay man, I'd be dreadfully attracted to stewards. So flight attendants can go fuck themselves (but they can't since obviously they have no nads). Anyway, Dwight is a good man, but he's also on TV, and deserves therefore an Emmy, not an Oscar. TV is of course the medium with more (unrealized) potential than any other, but too often the acting styles don't transfer to the bigger and lesser screen. Rainn Wilson in movies (Juno, for example) kind of sucks nadless steward-bulge. Or look at Tom Hanks: all of those movies, all of those Oscar nominations, and he probably should've stuck with Bosom Buddies, by my lights. I also think he would've made an excellent chauffeur.
Ah KST - my favourite actress. How did it end again? I can't remember and I only saw it a few weeks ago. Anyway why am I bothering to comment on here! No-one ever responds when I do... and, and, which one of you morons was slagging off Mike Leigh the other day? I take it you've never seen Nuts in May. Anyway, I digress. I now get this blog through RSS by the way, I wonder if I'm your only subscriber. Max.
Which one of us morons? That would be the Ass-Head. But a lot of nerve calling names when you can't remember the end of a movie you saw three seconds ago. Still, everybody here at the Bungalow thanks you for your generous patronage of the Arts.
Personally I think the blog is better for having Max as its only subscriber. I drink Hendricks, after all, which brags on its label about how nobody drinks it (best advertisement strategy ever [and who WOULD drink it, for Chrissake? It's made with fucking cucumbers!] digression...).
But I do want to clarify that I only made fun of Mike Leigh because Slothrop dared me to. It's juvenile, sure, but I couldn't pass up the opportunity. I've never actually seen a Mike Leigh movie (that I know of). I tend to like movies named things like "Naked," and to hate movies named things like "Happy Go-Lucky," but that's just a guess. You gotta read carefully, my dear Max, to tell my pseudo-intellectual cultural criticism apart from my persuasive, pinpoint appraisal of Slothrop's character flaws and how exactly to exploit them.
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