Not that anyone else cares, but this afternoon in Mar
del Plata, on a fast indoor court and without the psychological and physical advantage that is Rafael
Nadal, Spain beat Argentina 3-1 to win their third Davis Cup since 2000. Previously, Argentina had not lost a tie at home in ten years; this upset, in addition to ending that record, marks the third time Argentina has withered in a DC final, edged by Russia in 2006 and the United States in 1981. After ceding the decisive rubber to Fernando
Verdasco in five loud, grueling sets, Jose
Acasuso put his hands on the net, leaned over, and cried.
Verdasco then fell to his knees, half in jubilation, half sucked into the earth by the gravitational pull of Argentina's furious blue surface:

Congratulations, Spain, you heartily embarrassed those presumptuous dicks at tennis.com who predicted by 67% that you would go down 1-4 against the Argentines. Desideratum and a fiery,
Moorish "fuck you" to the rest of them. This is your year,
queridos, and I wish my beloved Rafa a quick recovery from his knee, and robot, afflictions.
¡Que vamos!
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