Thursday, August 5, 2010


If a genie granted me three wishes, they would be, first, to play perfect tennis; second, for my rabbits to live as long as they want--not forever, necessarily, because what if they continue to age, growing sicker every year, but can't die? You have to anticipate all the Greek ironies in order to avoid turning your companions into Tithonus; and third, for the writers of Legion to meet a diseased Miltonic drifter somewhere on a desert plateau, where no one would see it happen.

Want to make your own Legion? Here's how: steal the plot from The Terminator and replace all the terminators with angels. That's it. F

Slothrop: What you need is more The Wings of Desire, obviously. Slothrop––being the much more impartial and unbiased critic (chick angels with sweet boobs are especially OK)––would probably give this movie a much more deserving D- It does have chick angels with luscious boobs, right? This film poster is just a massive marketing failure? Also, Slothy calls bluff on Koko wanting to play perfect tennis; she'd get bored, first of all, and secondly, perfection makes Koko sneeze and grunt. Also, Federer is the closest tennis has come to perfection; be careful what you wish for.

Koko: You're right about Coyote. I stand corrected.

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